Friday, July 27, 2012

Dreams From My Father

Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
This book was published nine years before Barack Obama ran for Senate. Since publication, Obama has become one of the most compelling speakers in American history.  In this memoir, Obama talks of his struggles with race—with a black father and white mother. But it goes beyond race to finding who he is as a person and how he can make an impact in the world. This is something I can strongly relate to.
Obama’s search to understand the heritage and the values of what shaped his history is moving and eloquently imparted. Hearing about this man’s struggle to find himself and cement his values touched me. The importance of community and helping others find their own value is something I also hold dear.
Love his political views or hate them, Barack Obama has admirable strength and courage. I am disenchanted with the polarization occurring in America. Reading the reviews of this book on Amazon show this disturbing trend. When did it become appropriate to disrespect the President of the United States? If you disagree with his policies you should be out in your community making a difference by sharing your own ideas. The problem is that most of the people who sit behind a computer typing defiling comments or people who paste hateful bumper stickers on their cars, have no valuable ideas to contribute to the world. They are small people hiding behind others. No matter who I support for President in 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both want to lead this country and make it a safe home for all Americans. They are both putting themselves on the line for their country. People should use their vote as their word and get out of the name calling, damaging campaigns that are going on all over the country. 

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